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Immersing yourself in Kelly’s Sound Bath is like giving your ​wellness a hug. Vibrations from all the instruments (and ​Kelly’s fantastic voice) promote deep relaxation and allows ​you to forget your worries and just drift off. Never fails to ​put a smile on my face and joy in my heart.

Thank you Kelly for providing such a safe a

cosy haven!

Sound Bath and Sound Therapy



Since joining this class I have been enlightened, balanced, ​stretched and challenged Kelly is an amazing teacher I ​can’t recommend her highly enough

Shakti Flow Yoga Sessions


Gosh, so much to say! This style of spiritual coaching was ​different from anything I had experienced before, and I ​liked the combination of therapies/spirituality that came ​into it. For me especially, Ayurveda philosophy and ​teaching, as it helped me understand myself and how my ​‘Ayurveda type’ plays out in my life in many areas.

I continue to this day of daily eating warm veg and rice for ​lunch and can feel the difference in mind and body! I felt ​safe and had no judgment from Kelly in our sessions, ​purely observing what was happening and working with ​that, so gentle yet powerful. I came away with extra ​resources I can continue to use as and when, affirmations, ​mantras, identities I did not realise I had e.g. teacher, and ​awareness of what other healing work would be beneficial ​for me to do for myself, some of which I did as home ​activities.

I took a journey of self-exploration on a deeper level, to ​my benefit, and learned more truths about myself. It ​began the reconnection to my creativity within, self-love, ​self-worth, self-acceptance and, more. As I went on that ​journey, my heart has become more open and expanded ​as I begin to be more creative, and nourish myself more, ​and in turn, other people. I am more responsible for my ​life and what in it is wonderful, and what needs to ​change/be tweaked, so a big impact in many areas – diet, ​creativity, relationships, career, and spirituality.

I would definitely recommend Kelly as a coach, therapist, ​and mentor.

Empowerment Coaching


Really made me stop and think about life in a different way! ​Wish I had discovered this years ago! Already feel I am ​undergoing change.

Chopra Center Primordial Sound Meditation Instruction


The course was amazing and led to quite a few unexpected ​insights! Largely due to the exceptionally talented teacher! ​Many thanks and much love.xx

Chopra Center Primordial Sound Meditation Instruction


Yoga is fantastic but yoga with Kelly is simply

just something else, it is a truly uplifting and ​transformational experience. Her enthusiasm is infectious, ​I leave her class with a smile on my face and inner peace.

Kelly creates a fun non threatening safe and super friendly ​environment where she guides and encourages you to ​develop your confidence and practice at your own pace ​and also challenge yourself. I look forward to my regular ​weekly class and the additional workshops Kelly provides ​offering something a little different.

Shakti Flow Yoga Sessions



Thank you Kelly for this beautiful journey. I am new to this ​way of life and can lack confidence in myself that I fit in, not ​anymore! I am ready to embrace the next chapter. I know ​things are clicking into place when I wake up and know that I ​am smiling behind my eyes. Thank you, much love.

Womens Workshop


For the first time in years, I feel alive! I know my life is ​hanging and I am both scared and excited. My soul is no ​longer crying. Thank you for your guidance, generosity, and ​love.

Womens Workshop


Thank you, Kelly, you have given me so much strength and ​courage! Your light shines so brightly that you can lighten up ​the darkest skies. You truly are an inspiration. Much love to you.

Womens Workshop


It has been amazing to be part of a group of women whom I ​don't know but made me feel very supported and brave. I was ​at a crossroads in my life and you have given me insight into ​possible routes and directions I would have never considered ​and for that, I thank you with all my heart. I have danced, ​laughed, raged, and for the first time in my life felt real joy.

Women's Workshop


Dearest Kelly, what a beautiful ray of sunshine you are, so ​grateful to have journeyed with you. You create magical ​spaces for souls to thrive and grow in. Love and blessings.

Womens Workshop

Zsa Zsa

Darling heart, you are so kind, humble, and strong. You bring ​out the best in others, thank you for creating this beautiful ​space. There's a big difference between realising the inner ​work and doing it. So refreshing to have someone authentic ​rather than have someone pretend they are, guiding us. Thank ​you.

Women's Workshop


I loved the Plant Essence and Crystal Therapy Treatment I ​had recently with Kelly. I was made to feel so welcome and ​safe in her beautiful, sharing, healing room.

The treatment itself was incredibly relaxing and energising. ​Afterwards, Kelly talked me through her findings. It was really ​interesting, and it actually helped explain some patterns

and issues I’m experiencing and helped me understand and ​set some intentions going forwards. My sleep is also so much ​better now - it has never been peaceful, and I assumed that is ​just who I am, however, I am now at peace when I sleep and ​it’s amazing.

I love the crystals I brought away with me and

feel generally calmer and stronger.

Thank you, Kelly

Hands on Therapy


Kelly is such a gift. It is hard to describe the experiences and ​treatments that she provides, there are no words, only feelings.

Kelly describes the treatments as journey's and that is perfect ​as you are transported somewhere while all snuggled up and ​cosy in such a tranquil space. I'm not sure where you go but ​when you come back you feel clearer, lighter, and happier,

I wish I had the words to describe it better. My favourite is the ​Sound and Plant therapy combined.

Hands on Therapy


You are a wonderful energy that has entered my life at the ​right time. I thoroughly enjoyed this course, thank you.

Chopra Center Primordial Sound Meditation Instruction


You have set me off on a journey and provided the ​signposts for a deeper self awareness, with love.

Chopra Center Primordial Sound Meditation Instruction


Thank you Kelly for sharing your learning with me, you give so ​much of yourself in everything you do. A new set of tools to ​help me move forward and balance my life.

Chopra Center Primordial Sound Meditation Instruction


Thank you Kelly for another life changing course. You are the gift ​that keeps on giving! :)


Chopra Center Primordial Sound Meditation Instruction


If you want a Yoga class with a difference; Kelly is your go-to ​teacher. Her classes & workshops do not just stretch your body; ​they stretch your mind, heart & soul as well.

Kelly prepares her classes with a lot of thought & attention to ​detail - she dresses the space, & adjusts the lighting to create the ​right atmosphere as well as choosing appropriate & meaningful ​music & visualizations for whatever we are working on.

Kelly's classes reflect the holistic, heart-centered practitioner ​that she is. If you are looking for a class which focuses on the ​spiritual aspect of Yoga, working from the inside outwards then ​Kelly's classes are for you.

Shakti Flow Yoga Sessions


I have attended Kelly’s classes for years now and really enjoy ​them. You feel comfortable no matter what level you are at, her ​knowledge in this field is amazing and you leave feeling not only ​relaxed and re-energised but also having learnt new things. Plus ​she is lovely.


Shakti Flow Yoga Sessions


Walking into the room, there was a calmness, a stillness, and ​a cosiness that seeped into my soul. The beautiful sound ​journey Kelly then created over the next hour, transported ​me both away and inwards simultaneously.

As the final bell sounded and I was brought back into the ​current, I felt as though I was cocooned in a little bubble of ​tranquillity and peace. A bubble that I was gently brought ​from with lemon and ginger tea and a little chocolate. A ​beautiful way to cleanse at the end of a busy week.

Kelly creates the most calming, healing space.


Sound Bath


​​I recommend Kelly wholeheartedly I have been going to Kelly’s ​classes for months and I highly recommend her.

Kelly is passionate about what she teaches and puts her heart and ​soul into her classes, I always feel nurtured and cared for during ​class she creates a sense of belonging and fun.

Her classes restore in me a feeling of well being.

Shakti Flow Yoga Sessions

Maureen and Stephen

A sensory experience like no other, you are literally bathed in ​sound which encourages auditory awakening and emotional ​invigoration.

Kelly is a master of this incredible art and is fully supportive of ​your immersive journey throughout.

Highly recommended for both stress relief and spiritual ​uplifting.

Sound Bath


Thank you Kelly, my heart feels a lot lighter.


Meditation Class


This is my favourite part of my week. I get so much from Kelly's ​classes.

Each week is different and spot on for what as a class we all seem ​to need.

Kelly provides a safe, grounding, relaxing space and from the ​moment I enter I leave my week behind and I leave lighter, more ​joyful, and rejuvenated.


Shakti Flow Yoga Sessions


I totally recommend participating in this course. I was a bit ​anxious about committing to it as it sounded a bit out of my ​comfort zone but knew that was what I needed. I shouldn't ​have worried as I have had the honour of spending time with ​the most amazing women and the opportunity to explore ​me and my life in a very safe and supported way. I have ​been able to go at my own pace and have found the ​monthly sessions motivating, inspiring and ​transformational. It is great to feel such a close connection ​with like minded, beautiful women. Kelly facilitates with a ​huge amount of love and energy, I always feel valued, heard ​and held in a very gentle way. If you are considering doing ​this course, then my advice would be do it.

Womens Workshop


This would be my most recommended course... It's been such ​a magical and enlightening time. Having a space to ​understand, grow, share and just be with like minded women ​has been truly special. Kelly is a beautiful person, unique and ​inspirational she weaves her magic creating a space for ​whatever you need. This is an exciting course not to be ​missed.

Womens Workshop


Kelly is pure love and light. She is passionate, energetic and ​nurturing in her teaching. All who seek her counsel will be ​rewarded physically, emotionally and spiritually!

Womens Workshop


Kelly is delightful, always open, warm, full of knowledge, ​and has boundless energy. She holds space beautifully... full ​of lightness and fun. Her teachings are a blended fusion ​held and offered with love and depth. Every goddess needs ​a circle to celebrate, cheer in, and most importantly to see ​themselves clearly. It's been a beautiful offering and I'd do ​it again in a heartbeat.

Womens Workshop


Dearest Kelly, what a beautiful ray of sunshine you are, so ​grateful to have journeyed with you. You create magical ​spaces for souls to thrive and grow in. Love and blessings

Womens Workshop


Thank you, Kelly, you have given me so much strength and ​courage! Your light shines so brightly that you can lighten ​up the darkest skies. You are truly an inspiration. Much love ​to you.

Womens Workshop


Thank you, I feel so blessed to have been on this journey with ​you. You enhance lives in so many ways. Bless you, Kelly

Womens Workshop


Dedicated, Passionate & Inspirational!

Kelly naturally propels you into change, she awakens people ​to see their own possibilities, capabilities & opportunities. ​She knows her life's purpose & does it with love. Quite simply ​she helps create happy hearts x

Empowerment Coaching


I had the opportunity to experience a sound session with Kelly, ​and it was a surprising and wonderful experience. It was deeply ​relaxing, yet the sounds also created a fascinating response on ​a subconscious level...I only wish I lived closer in order to ​explore this therapy further. Kelly herself is a lovely, warm and ​open soul and it is a pleasure to be in her company.

Sound Bath


Just attended kundalini class last night - best nights sleep I’ve ​had in ages! Thanks

Shakti Flow Yoga Sessions


Thank you so much for a beautiful evening, just what I ​needed.

Meditation Class


Kelly offers amazing yoga classes, the best I've ever been too! ​The sound baths she offers are utterly fantastic and the sound ​massages she gives are truly out of this world!

An amazing individual inside and out and a master of her craft

Shakti Flow Yoga Sessions, Sound Baths, Hands on Therapy

Zsa Zsa

Kelly is a wise, generous, loving, insightful, clear and ​inspiring individual. Her warmth and ability to see each ​person's highest light provides a safe space to be seen and ​heard and allow positive transformations to occur.

Big Love Goddess Kelly, deep gratitude and blessings xx

Womens Workshop


Kelly is a powerful transmitter of alchemical energy. Her ​vitality and spirit are inspiring.I f you get the opportunity to ​work with her it will be a great blessing. I just loved my ​experience and the energy that moved through me was ​potent. Thank you Kelly for shining your light in this world

Womens Workshop


Wow!!! What a beautifully guided and transformational ​ceremony. I had so many beautiful shifts and insights. ​Releasing and hen clarity. Kelly is an amazing guide. Very ​grateful to you xxxx Beautiful soul

Womens Workshop


Just attended the New Moon Awakening Release Realise ​Reawaken Ceremony led by Kelly Taylor. What an incredible ​spiritual journey! Thank you for creating sacred space and ​time for me to heal. with love.

Womens Workshop


Kelly was my trainer for the Danielle Collins Face Yoga Method. ​Kelly was super helpful in answering all my questions, warm, ​supportive and nurturing and I fully recommend her!

Face Yoga Teacher Training


Love the natural positivity, professionalism enthusiasm and ​commitment of the work Kelly exudes. love my yoga sessions ​and the positive frame of mind it gives throughout the week.

Shakti Flow Yoga Sessions

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