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More about Me...

Welcome to my world...

Where to begin? ...

If I think way back to my childhood years, I always felt different. I knew ​very quickly about Truth and Energy...

I knew when someone's 'fine' meant it was really not ok, and what the ​real intentions behind the words meant, and more importantly what the ​spaces between the words held.

It took years for me to trust myself because I deeply wanted to trust the ​words being said to me but my body told me another story - it wasn't ​until late adulthood I realised I was fluent in energy and vibration!

School life was, erm, 'interesting'! ... I fully claimed the archetype of ​entertainer and joker - I so desperately wanted to make people FEEL ​HAPPY - it was a deep need in me to make people laugh and smile.

I've sat with the idea many times that this was how I got my own needs ​met ... happiness = attention = LOVE!!!.

For a long time, until I learned to love myself maybe this was true, I also ​felt at birth I was gifted, (like we all have our gifts to uncover within ​ourselves), with the ability to make people relax, laugh, and feel good ​about themselves.

I found myself randomly (or by divine intervention who knows!) enrolled ​in Beauty School, it was there I realised I had a gift for sensing energy.

Female silhouette radiating light from within a spiritual heart opening

I just knew where to place my hands, I'm not talking about the skilful ​masseuse in me finding knots, this was gnosis in my bones... my hands ​would find themselves in the place of pain or emotional wounding before ​you could say holey smoley!.

Reflecting back, I have always felt not only different but deeply ​misunderstood.

To see through the protective masks in front of me and sense and feel ​someone's true intentions, wounding, and pain yet not be able to help ​because I didn't have the tools or the fear of being rejected for being ​'weird or odd' was too strong, was an intense period of my life of ​wounding, playing small, and staying where no longer served me.

I learned how to find and create happiness in books, music, escapism, and ​anything that drowned out the dull shallow chit chat ...

I craved deep deep deeeeep connection.

I journeyed adulthood through other people's ways, whilst navigating my ​inner feeling map all the while desperately seeking someone who ​understood me. It took years to find in adults what I found so easily ​reflected back to me in animals, trees, oceans, symphonies, and books.

It was here my core wound of rejection found its way in... everywhere I ​turned I found deep rejection in a myriad of ways in all areas of my life..

Person Standing Out from the Crowd

Each time I tried fully being 'me' I was ridiculed, rejected, or ignored.

A beautiful yet painful gift.

My pain became my purpose.

My wound became my wisdom.

My suffering became my salvation.

I dedicated thousands upon thousands; in energy, time, and money, all ​in a soul-seeking vision quest - not sure exactly what I was seeking but I ​knew it was a thirst that could only be parched by taking the leap and ​searching.

And slowly around the world, bit by bit I found my tribe - totally cliche ​but there they were, and they saw me! and heard me at a level I never ​knew existed before. I didn't have to explain myself, they got me ​because they felt the same.

It became apparent that I was not alone,

many of us feel the cruel pain of being fully ourselves and not being ​truly seen, heard, met, held, understood, or accepted by others.

This fueled my childhood archetype, I quickly went into entertainer ​mode for many years to make others happy - until I hit burnout and ​realized that was also a mask I wore and I was

putting others' needs first before my own.

Next came a spiral of deep intense learning, self-growth, and shadow ​work, and by goddess, I did the shadow work! I became a self-confessed ​course junkie, I used to be embarrassed at the sheer amount of learning ​I did! I thought I was grasping at knowledge to be deemed of value to ​others, in other words, the I AM ENOUGH card!. Now I realise I was ​gathering a store of information to have on tap for when I guide others.

I always seem to have a titbit stored in the cavern of my mind that is just ​what the other person needs - it's quite remarkable and often takes me ​by surprise!

I threw myself into my work as a holistic therapist while hungrily soaking ​up anything spiritual and self help related, this opened the doorway to ​being able to read people's body wisdom and stories in a deeper way. At ​the same time and bit by bit, I learned tools to improve myself or so I ​thought, in essence, I was still seeking happiness.

My work grew, and I gained an amazing reputation in my work and I ​loved it until it became soulless, when it became more about managing ​staff dramas, spreadsheets, and carrying out work that was satisfying ​mentally but draining on the soul, I was done.

Then the pandemic hit and quite bizarrely while everyone went into ​panic mode I was gifted with space and peace. While everyone seemed ​to not be able to cope with the silence and stillness I thrived.

When people seemed to be breaking down with the shadows that arise ​when we are forced to sit with ourselves, without any distractions or ​numbing out, I expanded - I had been navigating the shadow spiral for ​years under the radar.

While everyone seemed to be falling apart I stepped up.

I offered workshops to help navigate the times of unhappiness and ​loss of hope.

All the hard work I had put in over the past 40 years was needed! So I ​listened. I stepped out of my comfort zone and shared from my heart.

I helped so many people during that hard time that I knew it was more ​than time to fully share my gifts and passion for service with the world.

So after 16 years of building a successful business, it was time to fully ​let my soul speak.

I freed my soul the day I sold my business, but it took 2 years to get my ​physical health back on track.

Girl loving life

All the energy and stress that was wrapped up in those 16 years hit me ​like a steam train.

Within those 2 years of deep healing, I called heavily on all the tools I ​had trained in and shared with others: coaching, yoga, meditation, ​ayurvedic lifestyle, energy work, holistic therapy, and shadow work.

I always knew the tools worked, I had seen them change my life and ​countless others' lives throughout the 7 years of sharing them alongside ​running the business. It wasn't until I was on my knees and called upon ​them that they deeply transformed my life.

Week by week I shed layers and limiting beliefs and found myself slowly ​coming back to me, and this time I embraced ME fully!

I uncovered gifts (I call them my super powers!) and my work ​heightened to an alchemy I couldn't even dream about.

Then one night, I sat with myself, my inner teacher, source, god, the ​cosmos, the infinite universe (who knows who was listening!) and said.

"It's time, it's time to fully be seen, heard, met, held, and accepted for ​who I really am without fear of rejection.

I want to passionately serve, make a difference, and spread joy and ​happiness freely while being ME!"

Young woman loving life

That night I was gifted with a vision in Dreamtime.

The laughing buddha came to me, (as he does ha!), and showed me what ​was needed from me, what I was here for, and how I needed to serve.

And here is where the story stops, for now, because here the happiness ​coach has been born.

My gifts and desires of wanting to help and make people HAPPY from as ​far back as I remember in childhood are now coming to fruition.

To empower others to feel seen, heard, met, and accepted and for them ​to feel deep in their bones HAPPINESS!

Not the fleeting excitement or shallow happiness that we receive from ​say a happy purchase, but a deep, blissful contentment that's right in ​the marrow of our own bones.

So Welcome! - it is with passion that I say I am delighted to be your ​happiness coach, should you wish for me to be of service to you.

It's my life’s mission... I don't want one other person to feel ​disconnected, unhappy, fatigued, and feeling like 'what's the point'.


Because there is a point, the point is to

become HAPPY and enJOY life NOW!

I know what it's like to:

To look like you have it all on the outside and feel empty on the inside.

To appear to be happy but underneath there's a deep void.

To feel guilt and shame for having more than others and still feel unhappy.

To crave deep connection in relationships.

Being the pillar of strength for others so you can't reach out for help.

Being misunderstood and feeling like your talking a different language.

Riding the high when you 'Happy Buy' only to feel like s*%t afterwards.

To fear rejection of being fully yourself.

To be surrounded by people who bring you down by nit picking, criticism, ​projection of their own wounding, passive aggressive digs and generally all ​around heavy, negative vibes* (zero judgment here, we all have our own paths ​but it can seep into your cells ..... if you let it!)

It's time to stop playing small and

to start feeling HAPPY!

Reach out to see how we can

achieve this together...

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discover the best way we can

work together and create some ​happiness ripples...

Tallyho ​and ​onwards ​to Joy!

Ring ​Ring, ​happiness ​is ​calling!

Find your peeps at The Happy Place

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