Orange Glitter Background
Celestial gold mandala
Kelly Taylor
Gold Metallic Brushstroke
Gold Heart Scribble


Gold Wavy Glitter

The Happiness ​Coach

Gold Heart Scribble
Lens flare star gold light special effect black background
Copper Abstract Watercolor Art Illustration
Golden Butterfly Illustration
Buddha Hotei -   Laughing  Buddha

Welcome and Blessings

Are you ready for

transformational self care?

Golden Butterfly Insect



Lens flare star gold light special effect background
Work with Me



In Person Alchemy
Online Alchemy



About Me

Hello, and joyful blessings!

Do you desire clarity, confidence, ​abundance and HAPPINESS?

I would love to help you... My name is Kelly, also known as the Happiness ​Coach, and it is my passion to help you unlock, awaken and ignite a deep ​well of joy that is hidden within you.

Imagine your happiest, most joyous self x10

It's possible, it's available and it's 100% your birthright.

Are you ready to say YES YES YES and let the juicy nectar in?

The Happy Map

A Journey to Find the Key to Happiness

For over 26 years, I have travelled the globe in search of answers, sitting ​at the feet of gurus and learning from some of the world's most esteemed ​teachers and experts, with the aim of uncovering the secret to ultimate ​happiness. However, I have come to the realization that the answer is not ​what we think, but rather what we have been conditioned to think.

gold glitter background

3 MYTHS to happiness

1 Happiness is something to achieve 2 Happiness is a 24 7 bliss state 3 Happiness isn t accessible for everyone
Green Neon Arrows
You CAN have it a ll

What if I told you, you CAN have it all?

Happy Radiant Body

High Energy and Vibes

Calm Mind

Harmonious, Intimate Relationships

Days filled with Purpose and Passion

Vital Health

Liberation from the 'Grind'

Zero lady balls given about other's judgements

Empowered Life

Abundant Joy


Happy woman enjoying happiness, freedom and nature.

Curious about how I know? It's simple – I'm happy!

And if I can achieve happiness, so can you.

From the very beginning, I had an inquisitive and eager mind. I was ​always seeking and searching, and "why" was my favourite word as a ​child.

While that ‘why’ has been a gift in life for the motivation to learn, it ​was also a double-edged sword... it came with the feeling of never ​being truly content, in essence never HAPPY... Until

Until I made a VOW to change and do whatever it took!

Stay strong and confident

I did it!

So can you!

Why me as your guide?

Because I understand your confusion and pain

I deeply understand what it can feel like:

To look like you have it all on the outside and

feel empty on the inside.

To appear to be happy but underneath there's a deep void.

To feel guilt and shame for having more than

others and still feel unhappy.

To crave deep connection in relationships.

Being the pillar of strength for others, so you

feel like you can't reach out for help.

Being misunderstood and feeling like you're

talking a different language.

Riding the high when you 'Happy Buy' only to

feel like s*%t afterward.

Fear the rejection of fully being yourself.

To be surrounded by people who put you

down or have negative or draining energy.

Silhouette of praying women at desert


I know deep down what it feels like to be conditioned to believe

Wanting more is greedy.

Life deals you cards and that's all your get.

Happiness is only for the rich, the beautiful, the educated, and the enlightened.

I don't have time to be happy.

Happiness is bought.

Happiness comes from another.

Happiness doesn't exist.

Shamed for wanting to be happy.

Laughed at for being optimistic or positive.

I will never be happy.

The worst... I WILL BE HAPPY WHEN!

Photo of Disappointed Woman in Sweater Looking Aside with Suspic
Glowing Neon Arrow

How do I help you release the HEAVY and step into the HAPPY?

I've unlocked my SUPER POWERS and I will teach you how ​to do the same...

My Super Powers that allow me to serve YOU

Glitter Star - Gold
Wonder Woman Superhero Character
Double Lightening Bolt - Pink Gold Glitter
Gold Crown Illustration

~ Energy Activator ~

~ Soul Awakener ~

~ Divine Channel ~

~ Body Wisdom Reader ~

~ Passionate Priestess ~

Magic wand

These help me to powerfully:

Problem solve and see crystal clear answers.

Read, activate, and align energy - EVERYTHING

is energy, this is key to transformation!

Understand body wisdom and stories and

know what it needs, what it craves.

Offer deep support and empowerment.

Provide an expert skillset in the main pillars of

health and wellbeing.

Oh, and divine humour is a given!

Happy Woman Jumping at the Beach
Dedicated to the Pursuit of Happiness I ve poured my heart soul and resources into comprehending happiness I ve done the heavy lifting mostly on my own because this is my passion my purpose my life s mission I don t want anyone else to go through this journey alone or spend an exorbitant amount of money in the process My goal is to ensure that nobody spends another moment unhappy
Freedom Wellness Happiness Concept - Happy Woman

Awaken your

Inner Joy

Client Testimonials


There are no words to express my gratitude for how Kelly held a safe

space for me at a time in my life when I needed it the most. She was kind and ​patient with just the right amount of push to inspire me, guide me, and

coach me through several life-changing decisions.

My life today has changed immeasurably thanks to the confidence and self

esteem that I gained from the guidance I received from Kelly. She is an inspiration ​and quite frankly magic. Can’t recommend her enough, if you want a serious

shift in your life or approach to it embark on this magical journey.


Thank you so much Kelly for such a fantastic experience! I will ​take what you have taught me forwards into my life as I have ​found it completely life changing. You are completely ​inspirational and you are a fantastic teacher!


Thank you!



High Vibes ​Guaranteed!

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What can I say - other than truly amazing and transformative ​services. Both in person and online, each one is fantastically taught, ​wonderful to experience and very often extremely powerful.

I cannot recommend Kelly enough, so if you're looking for ​transformational experiences you're at the right place.


Kelly is open, honest, kind, caring, and knowledgeable, she gives of ​herself and her time freely with a big heart and generous spirit! She ​guides with a light, gentle touch but is full of encouragement to keep ​you moving forward with curiosity and giggles (lots of giggles). Her ​presence is safe, sacred and full of love and deep caring, you will ​definitely feel held and cared for during your time with her.

If you are thinking of doing any of Kelly's courses, or her other

offerings, I would highly recommend you do so, you won't be ​disappointed and you will definitely want to come back for more,

her enthusiasm and her spirit are infectious.

happy women sunset heart
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the happy place...



“I met Kelly a few months ago, then I thought that it was by chance, now I think that it ​was meant to be. She has given me the tools to look at myself, my life, and the people ​around me in a different way. She gave me lenses of joy, gratitude, and curiosity to use ​when looking at events and situations. She even helped me to build trust with my newly ​rescued dog, Heather.

How did she do it?

Empowered me to look within and find the answers, and introduced me to a wonderful ​world of self-care, meditation and nurturing my body, mind, and soul. She taught me to ​savour nature, seasons, colour, and sound. She gave me the tools to manage when things ​got challenging and let go.

If you are serious about finding the power within you, I cannot recommend Kelly ​enough.”


I would 100% recommend these coaching sessions with Kelly. The process ​from start to finish was enlightening for me. Kelly has a wonderful gift of ​intuitively being able to tease the strands of a complicated situation apart ​and get to the nitty gritty of an issue whilst always ensuring I felt

safe and comfortable with whatever we were exploring.


Nothing ever felt overwhelming (and I am someone who can easily go into ​overwhelm!). I have a tendency to get stuck / blocked at times when ​exploring deep issues which I believe is my way of self-protection.

Kelly seemed to instinctively know when to give me time to the process or ​when to change tack and come at the issue from a completely different ​angle with great effect. I have had all sorts of counselling sessions in the ​past and so far Kelly has been the only one to get around such a block.

We covered a huge amount of content during our time together. I learned so ​much about my personality type from an ayurvedic perspective and why I ​face the challenges I do as well as how to change little things to make a huge ​impact and create a positive outcome. We also explored ways of balancing ​my, at the time, very out of balance life, - again by making small, yet easy to ​integrate changes so as not to cause overwhelm.

The coaching seemed to free up space somehow. This is how I described it at ​the time to Kelly. It seemed to create that little pause that allows for lateral ​thinking and a means to finding a solution more easily than before. Each ​section of the coaching built nicely onto the previous section. Kelly taught ​me little tricks to help me when things do slip back into bad habits and really ​set me on a different course which I am continuing to make progress on ​today.

If you are considering doing this, I would say just do it. I wouldn’t have any ​doubts. It's not one of those things where you come away and normal life ​gets in the way... well obviously it does, but somehow there is a almost like a ​piece of software that’s installed during the process that helps to guide me

through where I would have gotten stuck before.

Office dog



Gold Mail Envelope
Click Here Button Icon
Client Testimonials
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Gold Glitter Butterfly
Gold Glitter Heart
Gold Glitter Texture Isolated. Abstract Background.
orange flower

Abundant Blessings

to You!

Kelly xxx

Yellow Wall

Happiness Shop

Heart Neon Frame Yellow